David Sisk Fitness

4.8 ( 8758 ratings )
라이프 스타일 건강 및 피트 니스
개발자: Glofox
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Personal training is where your lifestyle, nutrition and physical make-up are assessed and a plan to reach your goals is then developed based on the results of that assessment. REAL personal training should be where you are being trained ONE-TO-ONE by ONE personal trainer. Your progress is monitored weekly and the training program evolves as you progress. If your trainer isnt re-assessing you regularly then you cant progress correctly. "Re-assess to progress" is what we say. Remember, the whole time you are in the studio/gym you are being trained by your trainer. Personal training is not where you are being trained with 2-3 other people by one trainer at the same time. You should complain if one trainer is training 2-4 people at the same time and claiming its personal training. - See more at: http://www.davidsiskfitness.com/faqs#sthash.MFwATBX1.dpuf